CMA Sports Code
Applies to All Disciplines
Latest Version: 2025
Canadian Motorcycle Association Rules & Regulations Governing All Open Competition
Note: The terms hereof importing the singular number or the masculine gender shall include the plural number or the feminine gender as the case may be.
These rules are applicable to all Canadian Motorcycle Association sanctioned events and may not be waived without the express consent of the National Board.
Rules changes relating to safety specifically may be implemented by the Board of Directors by special resolution, at any time. When this is done, special notice shall be given immediately by head office to the appropriate parties.
The authority of the Senior Referee (or, in his absence the next ranking official) at all CMA sanctioned events, is absolute with regard to the operation of the event.
He shall consult with the organizer in matters related to the schedule.
All decisions are subject to protest as outlined in Section E.
Authority to alter the status or points allocation of an event rests, in the case of Provincial Championships, with the Region Sports Panel, and in the case of National Championships, with the National Board.
Members owing monies to the CMA will be considered as not in good standing if full payment is not made within fourteen days after a final notice of overdue account has been sent to the last known address. All privileges of the CMA will be suspended until such time as the payment is made.
Riders will be classified annually by the appropriate competent authority, as designated by head office. Notice of reclassification will be forwarded together with details of the appeal process.
Rider classes are specified in the rules for each discipline and reclassification is based on previous performance.
Provincial and National Champions (except those determined by age) will automatically be moved to the next higher class for the following season.
Appeals are not permitted except where, in the opinion of the CMA, such automatic move up poses a danger for the rider or other riders in the class.
Foreign riders with previous competition experience may be reclassified following their first one or two races on the recommendation of the Senior Referee.
When a hearing conducted by a Region Sport Panel results in rider suspension, it will apply Nationally. The Panel must obtain the rider's licence and send it to Head Office.
If the suspension is appealed, the penalty will be in effect until the Board has dealt with it. The Board may:
(i) uphold the original decision
(ii) rescind the original decision
(iii) assess a lesser or greater penalty.
Notice of the suspension will be issued to the appropriate CMA officials, National and International bodies.
When a Region Sport Panel levies a fine in lieu of suspension, the rider concerned will be obliged to pay the fine in full within fourteen days of the hearing and prior to competing in another CMA sanctioned event.
The rider will have the right to appeal the penalty to the National Board as per the procedure in A-6(a).
In all cases where a Region Sport Panel conducts a hearing, a full report must be forwarded to Head Office, regardless of the outcome.
All entrants in CMA events must hold a CMA permit which must be valid for the type of competition in which they are participating, and for the date of the event. At the discretion of Head Office, memberships may be sold at events.
When permission is granted to sell permits at an event, a receipt must be issued by an official and the properly completed official application (with correct fee) forwarded to Head Office immediately after the event. The organizer is liable for all applications and fees accepted in this manner, except when someone is assigned by the CMA, in which case they are responsible.
A competitor under the age of 18 must have his application signed by his parent or guardian. When application of a minor is made at an event, the parent or guardian must be present, must provide proof of status and sign the application in the presence of an event official.
Persons found guilty of falsifying applications shall be subject to a fine at the discretion of Head Office.
For a rider to retain his competition number for the next year, his application must be received by the date specified annually.
They will be stamped with the date received. This date stamp will govern the application in relation to the deadline.
Every effort will be made to comply with competitors' number requests. However, rider class changes and modifications to administrative policies may make it impossible to do so in every case.
Any competitor who has lost his current competition card must obtain a duplicate from Head Office at a cost determined annually.
Alterations to permits and/or membership cards may only be made by Head Office. Persons who make unauthorized changes are subject to a fine, or suspension or both.
In all racing events, competitors' machines shall be fitted with three number plates securely fastened to the machine, and bearing the rider's official CMA competition number, as issued by Head Office.
For Dirt Track and Ice Racing, see Rule Q-3. For all other types of competition the number plates shall be 9 x 11" oval or rectangle, with matt finish; number 6" high with 1" stroke.
For any solo racing event where a machine is ridden by more than one competitor such as a marathon, the organizers shall assign numbers for each entry and shall provide a program listing these numbers and the riders' names.
The official CMA registration form is designated by Head Office and must be used by every organizer. These forms are the property of the CMA and must be sent to Head Office immediately after the event.
By entering any event it is understood that the entrant has read these rules and is bound thereby.
Any entrant, rider or mechanic by entering and taking part in any event shall be bound by the CMA waiver which is worded as follows:
"I have read the Rules and Regulations issued for this event and agree to be bound by them and by the Competition Rules of the Canadian Motorcycle Association. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry or of my being permitted to take part in this event, I for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the organizing club, the Canadian Motorcycle Association, the other competitors and their respective agents, officers, servants and representatives from and against all actions, claims, costs and demands in respect of injury, death, loss of or damage to my person or property howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with my taking part in this event and not withstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the same bodies, their agents, officers, servants or representatives."
Participants will enter an event by completing an official CMA registration form. A current CMA licence, valid for the event, must be presented at that time. Failure to register prior to technical inspection, practice or racing will result in disqualification or fine, at the discretion of Head Office.
No rider, suitably licenced, may be refused entry in any CMA sanctioned event, provided terms of acceptance as stated in CMA approved supplementary regulations and entry forms are complied with, or unless approval of refusal is obtained from the head office.
A competitor may not enter or ride the same machine in two different capacity classes unless specific provision to do so is provided in the rules applicable to the specific discipline.
A rider may, at the referee's discretion, be permitted the use of any motorcycle which has been officially entered in the event, has passed technical inspection and is legal for the class involved. (permissions would normally only be withheld for safety reasons).
In all cases where more than one competitor uses the same machine, applicable riding numbers are to be used at all times.
Failure to obtain referee's approval for change of machine will result in disqualification. See also related rules for individual disciplines.
In general entry fees shall be decided by the organizers. This fee must be stated when the sanction is applied for, and must be shown on all entry forms.
Entry fees for Championship series may be established by head office.
No. 1 Plate Holders shall be exempted from all entry fees at any sanctioned event of the type for which they hold the No. 1 Plate. Where pre-entry is a requirement, the No. 1 Plate Holder must comply, or be subject to the normal entry fee.
Where start money is paid (except World Championship events) organizers must pay the No. 1 Plate Holder for that type of competition a minimum of $250.00.
Provided entry is received by the closing date, No. 1 Plate Holders in designated Championship events shall be paid start money of $200 per round.
Any entrant or pit crew may protest a decision of the Senior Official (Senior Referee at racing events) re matters connected with the running of the event, provided they are directly involved and are CMA members.
No protest at racing events will be upheld against a statement of fact which has been personally observed by the Referee or officials reporting to the Referee (e.g. false start/course cutting/dangerous riding/inappropriate entry to or use of the course).
No protest at events not overseen by a CMA Referee will be upheld against a statement of fact which has been personally observed by the Senior Official (e.g. course cutting/dangerous riding/ inappropriate entry to or use of the course).
Reports of such infractions made by third parties to the Senior Official will in some cases require an on the spot hearing to verify accuracy. Such hearings are at the discretion of the Senior Official and details must be included in the event report sent to the CMA.
Protests from organizers are not accepted.
Protests may be accepted by the senior official only (in writing and with fee, if applicable).
Scoring Questions (racing events):
Within 30 minutes of the posting of the race in question. (No fee required and may be verbal.)
Rule infractions:
within 30 minutes of the completion of the race in question - $10.00 fee required.
Machine legality (External):
after practice and before racing has commenced - $ 20.00 Fee required.
Machine legality (Internal, including suspension systems, gear box, crank shaft, carburetor and internals of all components):
$200.00 fee
Fees will be refunded if protest is upheld
Results not posted at the event must be forwarded to the participants by regular mail, email or posted on the organizer's web site, and contain contact information for filing a protest. The method of publishing results must be announced at the event riders' meeting.
The protest period shall be 24 hours after receipt of results and may be made by telephone, fax or email. A copy of all protests must be sent to the CMA at the same time. No fee is required. The organizer must advise the CMA of the results of any protests within 48 hours of the protest deadline.
If a protest (machine legality, internal) is upheld, the fee will be returned and the cost assessed the protested party.
If the protest is not upheld, the protest fee will be retained and the protester will also be responsible for any costs in excess of the fee.
Protest decisions (as in 2 above) may be appealed to the Region Sport Panel in writing, within 7 days of the event, and accompanied by a $10.00 fee. Appeals regarding results published according to E-3 must be filed within 7 days of receiving a decision from the organizer.
Regional Appeals shall be dealt with by the Region Sport Panel. Members of the Sport Panel will be appointed by the CMA and be representative of the competition activities taking place in the Region.
Where an appeal of an official's decision, or the final standings, concern a National Championship event, it will be dealt with by a special appeal committee nominated by the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the National President. Where action by the Head Office or Chief Executive Officer is the subject of the appeal, the Appeal Committee must be appointed by the President. Decisions are subject to appeal to the National Board as in E-7.
Decisions made at Regional level Appeals must be forwarded, in writing, to the parties involved and head office. Such decisions may be further appealed to National, in writing, within 7 days of the date of the written decision. Appeals to National must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee and will only be heard if an error in procedure has occurred at a lower level.
National appeals shall be dealt with by the Board of Directors. Their decision is final. No further appeals may be made.
All parties involved shall be notified by mail, or by means able to be confirmed, to their last known address at least 7 days prior to the date of a hearing. This will include the protestor, the protestee and the Senior Official.
Where members of either the Regional Sport Panel or the National Board are directly involved in the appeal, they shall disqualify themselves from participating in the decision.
Parties involved in an appeal may have a representative act on their behalf. Where a club is involved, one representative only may participate in the hearing.
The presentation of evidence by video image must be treated with utmost caution. Video images are influenced by choice of lenses and by angle distortions, the effect of which is difficult to evaluate without expert help.
Fuel Protests
Upon receipt of a protest accompanied by a fee of $50.00, samples will be taken and the Specific Gravity measured by the Referee.
If the protest is upheld the fee will be returned. If not upheld the fee is retained.
Should the protestor wish further laboratory testing, the Test(s) requested must be specified and sufficient funds must be deposited to cover the estimated costs.
If the tests show fuel is illegal the deposit will be returned and the costs assessed the protested party. If the fuel is legal the deposit will be retained.
There shall be a National Championship for types and classes as determined from time to time by the National Board.
Requests for National Championship events shall be forwarded to Head Office by the date specified annually, along with the prescribed application form and appropriate deposit. Should an event approved for National status be cancelled for reasons other than force majeure, the deposit will be forfeited.
Generally speaking, National Championships will only be granted to organizers and locations which have had CMA sanctioned events previously, and where the location has been inspected and received approval for National status. Under exceptional circumstances, the Board may waive this requirement. Inspection costs shall be borne by the organizer.
Organizers granted a National Championship event must conform to all administrative requirements established for the operation of the respective Championship. This shall include the distribution and coordination of entries, the fees, the schedule, the payment of prizes and any other matters deemed necessary for the smooth operation of National Championship events.
When official calendars have been published indicating dates and locations of National / Semi National Championships, adjacent regions may not schedule points events of the same type on the same date(s). In some cases this prohibition may be extended beyond the adjacent region in order to protect the integrity of the Championship.
National Championship events shall be coordinated and administered by head office. Regional Championship events may be coordinated and administered by the Region Sport Panel.
The promoter of a National Championship must hold a championship race for each championship class as determined by the Board for that type of competition, providing that there are at least 4 starters (3 for Trials). (See N-15). Classes may be combined provided it does not prevent a rider from competing in the championship race for each class entered. Where a championship is run over a series the minimum requirement of 4 (3 for trials) applies to the series, not to each individual event.
National Championship events are only considered complete if at least 75% of the original distance or time has been completed, unless force majeure (i.e. weather) requires officials to shorten such distance or time.
For regulations concerning race re-runs and definition of finishers, refer to rules for each discipline.
National Championship awards in the form decided upon by the Board shall be provided to each winner of a National Championship. Where the championship is decided over a series, individual event awards in the form decided upon by the Board shall be presented (except Enduro). The cost of individual event awards in a championship series shall be borne by the organizers.
Organizers may present additional awards at their discretion, or as required by the Board.
The White Memorial Trophy is the premier competition award of the CMA, presented to a Canadian rider having an exceptional performance in winning a national championship in the premier class of the discipline. The Trophy is reserved for performances at the highest level and will not necessarily be awarded each year.
The Board of Directors will decide on a recipient, taking into consideration the moral character of the individual and their support for the CMA.
A list of candidates will be drawn up by CMA administration for consideration at the final Board meeting each year.
The CMA Youth Award is presented to the Youth Motocross Rider, of Canadian citizenship, who has the best performance annually. The best 90% of the riders' points total will be counted. When ties occur, they will be broken by the best performance at the Amateur National Championship.
Participants who have earned awards at National Championship events shall have free entry to the presentations.
No. 1 Plates shall be awarded (at the discretion of the Board) to National Champions. No. 1 Plate holders shall use the No. 1 Plate during the following year in that category. They will use their regular competition number when participating in other categories or disciplines.
Allocation of Championships
Championships will be determined where possible by a series of events. The number and location of these events will be decided by the National Board.
One event championships shall be offered in staggered order to the regions, alternating between Eastern and Western Canada, wherever possible.
Organizers must apply for sanctions and insurance on the official form and according to procedures established by head office.
The referee or senior official shall send all CMA report forms to the Head Office within 48 hours after the event.
In the event of accidents causing fatal injury, injury to spectators, or property damage, the Senior official is responsible to immediately contact Head Office, by the fastest available means. This must be followed up by a written report complete with diagram of accident details, and listing any witnesses.
In the case of fatalities, the official must also contact the local authorities.
When an event is cancelled, the Head Office must be contacted by fax or telephone, no later than the first working day following the event. Failure to do so will result in loss of insurance premium and possible assessment of other costs. Insurance premium is payable if practice or any part of the programme has taken place.
All CMA sanctioned events must have 3rd party liability insurance (including participant legal liability) to a minimum limit as established annually.
Organizers shall use the official CMA insurance coverage unless documentation is submitted showing coverage equal to, or superior to, the CMA policy. Approval must be obtained from Head Office, at least one month prior to the event.
The CMA PL & PD policy provides combined Public Liability/Property Damage. Property Damage shall be subject to a deductible each and every loss. Additional coverage is available on request.
The Referee is responsible to the National Office to comply with any directives or requests forwarded to him.
Deviation from this rule book must be authorized.
Referees shall be assigned to all CMA sanctioned road races, dirt track/speedway, ice races, motocross/supercross/arenacross/supermoto events and other disciplines when deemed necessary.
They must have current accreditation from the CMA according to the requirements established.
Referee fees and expenses will be paid on receipt of required reports.
The referee may authorize the check of the engine to verify machine classification and to check for the use of illegal fuel. He may also authorize the taking of samples of fuel for testing purposes.
The Referee must:
be prepared to impound, for the purpose of measuring, any protested machine.
fill in the report form(s) and forward them to the CMA Head Office as per Rule G-2.
Referees must ensure organizers comply with rule N-11 and in cases where there could be doubt (ice race/MX) advise the riders exactly where the finish will be taken.
When the referee believes that a rider is not in condition to race the referee may refuse his entry until such time as the rider gets a clearance from a doctor stating that the rider is fit to race.
The referee has the authority to flag off any rider considered riding dangerously.
The referee has the authority to debar any competitor refusing to comply with these Rules.
The official scrutineer, as designated by the Senior Referee, must inspect all safety equipment and machines before the rider is allowed on the course for practice or racing. Equipment found to be in unsatisfactory condition shall be rejected by the scrutineer.
Referees are not permitted to compete in events at which they are officiating.
Referees must always wear the official CMA uniform while they are on duty.
Capacity and rider classes are listed under the section for each category of competition.
Organizers must include all Nationally recognized classes in their programme, unless approval has been obtained when applying for sanction.
The recognized classes may be supplemented by additional classes, with the approval of Head Office at time of sanction application.
Abbreviated programmes will be permitted when terms for use of facility require (curfew etc.).
Displacement limits for classes will be as listed, plus 5%. This 5% is to permit overbores to compensate for wear. However, an engine within the total maximum allowable cc's shall be legal for the class, regardless of how its displacement is obtained (sleeving, stroking permitted). i.e. 125 class will allow 125 + 6 = 131 cc.
Except as specified otherwise in the rule books, competitors must wear CMA approved riding equipment in good condition, consisting of leather or Kevlarâ gloves, leather jacket, leather pants, leather boots of a minimum height of 8" from the top of the sole and overlapping the pants, approved racing helmets, approved face shields or goggles with soft or padded rims. This rule also applies to practising. Hard plastic boots manufactured for motorcycle competition, may be substituted for leather.
Approved helmets must be certified by the manufacturer as meeting at least one of the following standards, and must have the original certification label(s) affixed (clearly visible/not painted over).
Accepted standards are:
Europe - ECE 22-05 (P only)
Great Britain - BS 6658 Grade A (Road Racing) and Grade B (all other disciplines)
Japan - JIS T 8133 : 2007
North America - Snell M2010, Scorpion ECE 750 Series
The wearing of a camera mounted on the helmet with screws is strictly forbidden. Effective January 1, 2016, helmet mounted cameras of any type are forbidden. This rule also applies in all the related rule books helmet regulations.
Motorcycles must meet the sound limits established for each discipline according to the 2 Meter Max testing method. Procedure is available from CMA office.
All machines must be fitted with properly working, complete clutch, gear box, brakes (unless otherwise specified in the rule books) and integral ball ended clutch and brake levers. Minimum size of ball end shall be 5/8 inch diameter.
The rear wheel must have an efficient cover extending back at least to a vertical line drawn through the rear axle.
The top run of the front chain must be covered (not applicable to ATVs).
All glass and lenses excluding instrument panels must be removed or taped. All safety bars must be removed.
All stands or other accessories considered dangerous by the scrutineer, must be removed.
The use of handlebars made from carbon, kevlar or any other composite materials is forbidden. (road racing excepted)
This must be constructed and mounted so as to allow complete freedom of movement to the rider, both while riding, mounting and dismounting, without any part of the streamlining having to be removed.
Streamlining must not protrude beyond line 1.
Streamlining must not extend beyond line 2.
No part of the machine may project beyond line 3.
In any steering position, neither the handlebar levers nor the rider’s hands may hit the streamlining, the fuel tank, or any other part of the machine.
Streamlining must be firmly attached to the machine.
Maximum height of rear part of streamlining or of any fixture extending beyond the vertical line drawn through the axle of the back wheel, shall be 36 inches.
Definition of an ATV
An ATV is a four wheeled balloon tired off-road vehicle having a wheel at each diagonal extremity, consisting of a complete integral unit having accommodation for a rider only, sitting astride, steered by a handlebar.
Motorcycles with permanent Sidecar
Vehicles with three wheels making two or three tracks on the ground in the direction of forward travel, with a permanently attached Sidecar forming a complete integral unit.
If three tracks are made, the centre line of the two tracks made by the motorcycle wheels must not be more than 75mm apart. A track is determined by the longitudinal centre line of each of the vehicle’s wheels in the direction of forward travel.
For oval ice racing, the sidecar must be on the left hand side when sitting on the motorcycle.
At all sanctioned events (except Class A and B Hillclimb, Fuel Dragster and Speedway) engine fuel must consist of gasoline defined as a petroleum fuel where specific gravity falls within the range .700 to .765 at 60 degrees F and whose dielectric constant falls within the range 2.025 + 5 (2.025 is "0" reference meter). Additives for lubrication and knock suppression will be permitted, provided the resulting mixture falls within the above values.
Supercharging by means of a device of any kind is forbidden. The direct injection of fuel is not considered to be supercharging.
Samples may be taken from a competitor's machine at the discretion of the referee, or upon receipt of a protest accompanied by a fee of $50.00.
Fuel Dragsters may use any fuel except Hydrazine.
There shall be no practising prior to the signing of the official release and without the permission of the referee. Penalty; disqualification from the day's racing. The referee may not permit practice prior to the advertised practice time.
All mechanics must be CMA members.
No rider, mechanic or official may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or partake of alcoholic beverages or drugs during any sanctioned event. Offenders will be suspended until reinstated by the Regional Sport Panel.
All other individuals (including organizers' workers) are subject to the same prohibition in restricted areas (see N-7). Anyone contravening this rule shall be immediately expelled from the event. When organizers' workers are involved, a fine shall be levied on the organizer by the Sport Panel. Referee must include a full report of such incidents with their normal report.
Competitors and their crew (including family members) shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. Any abuse, including verbal, of officials or other participants WILL result in a penalty.
For racing events, the Referee is authorized to impose
(a) a fine (maximum $250)
(b) a position penalty
(c) disqualification for a particular race or for the day.
For events without an assigned Referee, the details will immediately be made available to the CMA office who may impose the penalties listed above.
Where the situation is of such a serious nature that further penalties should be considered, a panel struck by the CEO will conduct a hearing into the matter. The parties involved shall be notified by means able to be confirmed, of the date and location of the hearing and may elect to participate either by making a written submission or attending in person. The costs of such participation shall be borne by the parties involved.
The panel may
(a) Confirm the penalty imposed by the Referee
(b) Suspend the rider for a period of time
(c) Permanently expel the rider from CMA activity
A decision of the Panel may be appealed to the Board of Directors as outlined in Section E. If the appeal is denied, the costs of the hearing shall be borne by the appellant.
Failure to be scrutineered, or the use of unapproved equipment, may result in disqualification or a fine (max. $50) at the discretion of the referee.
Any rider refusing the request of the referee to let his engine be measured and/or his fuel tested will be suspended until reinstated by his Region Sport Panel. Referee must immediately send a full report to the suspended rider's Sport Panel. Prizes shall be withheld pending Panel's decision.
Competitors must proceed in the direction of the course only.
During a race, no assistance can be given a rider to restart, other than at his pits by his mechanics, except in Motocross. (See Rule Q406(g)).
Any competitor who intends to pull off the course must signal his intentions, and must never cut across the course in front of other competitors.
Riders may not make unauthorized use of the course after an event.
Any competitor who allows the competition numbers on his machine to be exposed to public view while he is riding his motorcycle on roads or streets, except in organized parades, shall be subject to suspension or fine by the Region Sport Panel. This does not apply to Enduro type events where competitors are given a number to display on machines.
Authority - the CMA has the authority to discipline or penalize its members concerning the following:
(a) any voluntary or involuntary action or deed accomplished by a person or persons during an event, contrary to the current regulations or instructions given by an official of the event.
(b) any corrupt or fraudulent act, or any action prejudicial to the interest of the events, or of the sport, carried out by one person or a group of persons.
(c) the organization or running of an event not approved by the CMA is forbidden and anyone participating (organizer, participants, officials) becomes liable for the penalties prescribed by the CMA.
The holder of a CMA membership commits themselves to respect the CMA regulations, and to accept the penalties applicable in the case of an infringement.
Possible penalties can include warning and/or fine and/or suspension and/or exclusion.
A hearing shall be conducted as follows:
Section A - by the individual's home Sport Panel (except National Championships - refer to E6(b).
Sections Band C - by a Judicial Panel consisting of 3 persons appointed by the President.
All decisions may be appealed to the National Board.
Sanctions for National, Semi National, International and Stadium Motocross (i.e. Supercross, Arenacross) events shall be granted (and fees set) by the National Board.
In general Regional calendars shall be coordinated by the Sport Panel. However, where a specific discipline depends on the support of riders from more than one Region, the Board may require a coordination of calendars between or among Regions. This coordination shall be handled by the National office. In all cases, final approval of sanction rests with the National office.
The title of Grand Prix, G.P. or International is reserved to events approved by FIM. The titles of National or Provincial Championship, and Supercross are reserved to events approved by CMA.
Sanctions for events awarding points to Regional or National Championships may not be granted within 14 days of the event date.
The effect on other CMA promotions in the community must be considered when granting sanctions.
"Traditional Dates" and Locations
If an organizer desires to use a facility or traditional date that has been used by another within the last two years, they shall get the permission of the previous organizer. Should this be denied, appeal may be made to the National office. A further appeal to the Board may be made.
No organizer shall use a name which has been used previously to designate its events, unless the organizer with the prior claim to the name gives its consent.
“CMA SANCTIONED" or the CMA Logo must be placed prominently on all event advertising which includes press releases, promotional advertising, programmes, etc.
All rider notification must be mailed at least ten days prior to the event, and must conform to N-3, state the prizes, the prize breakdown, the classes and nature of the event. When abbreviated programmes are run, the information must be boldly noted.
The only advertising allowed at CMA sanctioned events shall be for activities sanctioned or approved by the Canadian Motorcycle Association. It is forbidden to advertise motorcycle events organized by non CMA groups in Canada.
Organizers will be responsible for complying with the referee's instructions in relation to CMA rules and in all matters of safety.
At all racing events, there must be a designated restricted area, including the track, the pits, start/finish area, and lap scoring area.
It will be limited to officials, participants, their families and mechanics.
The restricted areas must be posted by signs, and sufficient personnel assigned to control access.
This is the responsibility of the organizer.
There shall be a qualified first aid attendant and fully equipped vehicle at the following events: - Road Races, Dirt Track/Speedway, Motocross, Supermoto, Ice Races, Hillclimbs, Drags, Record Attempts, Cross Country and Hare Scrambles. (Cross Country and Hare Scrambles may operate with a qualified first aid attendant and vehicle equipped with first-aid equipment).
The vehicle must be licensed to transport (i.e. Provincial ambulance) unless permission has been obtained, in advance, from Head Office, to make other arrangements. Permission will only be given in exceptional circumstances and in no case unless pre-arrangements have been made with the local authorities to provide an ambulance when summoned by the organizer.
The Referee shall not permit practice or racing to start unless the above requirements have been met.
The organizers are responsible for the base fee charged by the attendant and vehicle to be on site. The participant is responsible for any transport charge.
The minimum age for corner marshals is 14.
Adequate mobile fire fighting equipment must be available.
Where events take place in forests, woods, or any other area considered to be a fire risk, signs prohibiting smoking must be prominently placed at the entrance, the registration area and in any space where spectators will gather.
At all events the start/finish line must be clearly defined.
In all racing events, there shall be a suitable straight after the finish for the safety of the contestants.
New dirt track, ice racing, motocross, road race and supermoto courses must be inspected by a CMA official, prior to final sanction approval. The organizer will be charged for the out-of-pocket expenses of the inspector.
Organizers must have a means of indicating to the scrutineer that a rider has signed in. (Tags, etc.).
Where events held over 2 or more consecutive days will require separate scrutineering, organizers must use different sign in confirmation tags.
Organizers must include all classes in their programme in which there are 4 or more entrants (3 for trials).
At their discretion they may include classes which have less than 4 (3) entrants.
With the consent of all riders involved, and subject to minimum and maximum age provisions, they may also elect to move riders up or down for the event, to make up a class.
Event prizes are awarded according to the class structures on the day.
The decision to award points to classes, whether modified or not, is the jurisdiction of Head Office.
Riders are considered as event “starters” when they have registered and practised in the applicable class.
Results for each heat/moto must be posted at a location announced at the riders’ meeting as soon as they are available and must have the posting time recorded on them.
Official results must be forwarded to Head Office together with the registration forms, immediately after the event.
The results of each class must include the total number of starters, and list each finisher, along with the details outlined on the official results form.
When ties occur the money for the two positions is divided equally. The points for the higher position are duplicated.
Prizes not awarded at the event shall be mailed to the riders immediately following an event.
When an event is uncompleted through force majeure, any remaining prize money shall immediately be made available to the CMA for distribution.
All programmes for racing events must include scheduled practice sessions.
Events taking place over more than one day must include practising on each day.
Duration and order of practice is at the discretion of the Referee.
The following flag or light signals shall be used in all racing events.
National, Provincial or White - Start
Checker - Finish
Green - Course clear
Black - Report to Referee (rider's number may be indicated)
Yellow - Danger
Red - Stop racing immediately and proceed slowly to the start line
Vertical Yellow Stripes on Red - Oil on Course
Red Cross on white - Call ambulance
White (Road racing) - Ambulance on Course
White (All other disciplines) - Last Lap
Crossed blue and green - halfway
Blue with Diagonal White Stripe - Road Racing - Last Lap
Light Blue - you are being lapped; allow rider to pass.
Dirt Track National Championships may use a light system for the start (see Dirt Track rules for procedure).
In cases where the black flag is displayed, a rider must report to the referee. Failure to do so will mean disqualification from the balance of the event and the possibility of licence suspension. The rider may be allowed to re-enter at the discretion of the referee i.e. where the black flag is displayed for a technical infraction of the rules, or a machine malfunction which may be repaired. When the signal involves dangerous riding, the rider may not be allowed to re-enter.
When the white (ambulance on course) flag is displayed, absolutely no passing is allowed.
All flagmen must have a yellow flag and a red cross flag. For road races, they shall also have oil, white and course clear flags.
When the yellow flag is displayed, it is a warning signal. Rider must proceed with caution.
Failure to obey the yellow flag shall mean disqualification from that heat or race. The referee shall be the sole judge of whether an infraction has occurred.
No passing on a yellow flag between the point where the flag is displayed and the accident area.
Each flagman shall have an assistant if deemed necessary by the Referee and all flagmen and assistants must be briefed by the Referee or his delegate before practicing begins.
Such briefings shall include instruction as to the exact location of the flagging position. The location shall be determined during the track walk carried out by the Referee and must assure that the riders are able to clearly see the flagger, without putting that official in any danger.
This should be checked several times during the programme in case changes are needed.
It is the duty of all flagmen to warn the other competitors by means of yellow flags, before his assistant proceeds to the aid of a competitor who has fallen or stopped in any way causing danger to other competitors. The act of an official in assisting to remove a stopped machine which may be blocking part of the course shall not be considered "assistance to restart" as covered in Rule M-5.
The blue flag (lapping flag) may only be given by the Referee or his delegate at the finish line area. Frequency shall be at Referee's discretion and shall be based on obvious interference with the progress of other riders. Penalty for ignoring the signal, disqualification from that race.
Have back up ambulance arranged.
The organizers will supply the flagmen and other required helpers and they are to report to the referee in advance of practice time.
A proper P.A. system should be installed in the pits.
Registration crew should be provided with adequate tables and chairs located in an area protected from poor weather conditions.
Provide adequate restrooms for the public.
All courses for trials and endurance runs must be rideable and not dependent on the physical strength of the rider to negotiate.
A special practice period may be allotted to first time-out Novices, and shall be closely supervised and observed by the referee to aid in the application of Rule H-5.
Organizers must refrain from placing starting areas and gas stops on heavily traveled highways.
When possible, the distance for each entry on the route sheet should be posted on the corresponding route marker on the course.
Recommendation to Riders
Wear tag or other identification showing blood type and/or any specific allergies to drugs, etc. Indicate blood type, etc. on competition licence.
CMA members are invited to submit proposals for changes to the rules each year. They must be in writing, give a rule reference number (where applicable), a reason, and be signed and list a current CMA membership number.
Board of Directors will accept or reject the proposals and establish an implementation date after taking into consideration the remarks received.
Proposals which are rejected may not be resubmitted for a period of one year.
To receive immediate consideration proposals must be received at head office 45 days before a Board Meeting is scheduled.