Hello Friends!
Online registration for the 2020 Bluenose Rally is now available at www.bluenoserally.com. I recommend you take time to read this letter and the complete rally invitation pamphlet before you register.
The dates for the 50th (and Final) Bluenose Rally are July 3, 4, & 5, 2020.
New this year: The pre-paid registration deadline is May 2, 2020.
Because we want to make this an outstanding rally for each one of you, your rally fee will include a t-shirt (your ordered size), pin, decal, and crest as well as the usual rally perks; this is one of the many reasons why we have opted for pre-paid registration only.
You now have 2 choices: 1. Pre-register using the online form and pay by “snail mail” with a cheque or money order. You can also send an e-Transfer (through Canadian banking institutions only) to cover your rally fee. 2. Pre-register by downloading and printing the brochure. Then mail your registration form(s) in with a cheque or money order to cover your rally fee. In this case, Canadian e-Transfers can be emailed separately.
Please remember, payment can be made by cheque, money order or e-Transfer. The email address for e-Transfers from Canadian banking institutions is: bwp@eastlink.ca
Our mailing address is: Bluenose Rally c/o Apple Valley Riders 6 Beckwith Street Wolfville, NS B4P 1R4 (Canada)
The Apple Valley Riders and our partner clubs are busy planning another fine week-end for motorcycle rally enthusiasts and we’re looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the rally!
All the best, Beth Pineo Apple Valley Riders