The CMA sadly reports that John Fredrick Clare has passed away. John was the very first CMA Life Member, and was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2011. His support and contributions have shaped the motorcycling community in Canada for many years.
John Clare's full Obituary is below:
It is true, you can die of a broken heart. Respectfully we announce the passing of John Clare, a mere 5 months after the loss of his “bride”, Donna (nee Gibbons). March 5th of this year would have marked 65 years of marriage. He met his wife on a blind date at a New Year’s Eve party. John passed away quickly on March the 1st at the St Catharine’s General Hospital. Father to Randy, Robin Primerano (Chris) and Mary Kay Waggle (Brian). Cherished grandfather to Martha and Taylor Primerano, Cooper and Clare Waggle. Much loved uncle to Pam Clare.
Born January 17th, 1934 to Edward (Ed) and Mary Clare, he was always proud to say he was one of seven children. Marylin, Edgar Given (deceased), William, Doris (Marie deceased), Phylis, Richard Lee (deceased), Robert, Rita (Boop) (deceased), survived by Donald & Gladys Clare, and Sharon and Dave Atkins. Beloved brother-in-law to Mary Emery (Krieger). During John’s later years he took much joy in reconnecting with family and friends on Sunday afternoons at his vacation home on Lake Erie.
Last week enjoying an outing, he gleefully told people he had won a trip to Japan. This was true, however the first trip was in 1965. That did start the first of many highlights of a long career which began in 1955. He received his first motorcycle a 1932 Harley Davidson in exchange for a plumbing job from his brother- in- law, Ed Givens. John’s plumbing career ended when he became the founding partner of Clare’s Cycle & Sports, still at its current location in Fenwick. Known as a motorcycle sportsman, he was the recipient of the Ontario Sportsman of the year award, the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of fame, Welland Sportsman Hall of fame, and the Trev Deeley Lifetime achievement award. Active in racing and enduros as a passion, he quickly became an active motorcycle retailer when there were none in Canada.
Selling just about all brands of motorcycles through the years, John was able to develop and grow the Canadian motorcycle market. John was truly a founder and pioneer in the motorcycle industry. He will be sadly missed by the Welland County Motorcycle Club and his friends at the Lincoln County motorcycle Club and numerous motorcycle enthusiasts throughout the years.
He was graceful, charming and truly cared about his customers. John made everyone feel like family. There are many people who have stories to share where he touched their lives.
He was a notable member of the Pelham Community, and a strong member of the Fenwick Lion’s Club. He will be missed especially by his friend’s Bill and Sharon Farion. One of his favorite boasts, was being the oldest and longest standing member of Lookout Point Golf and Country Club. In his later golfing years, he was fortunate to have many friends such as Tom Lambert and others who patiently helped him get out to play the game he loved. To both John and Donna, the entire staff at Lookout Point were gracious, and welcoming whenever they were in the Club House. John spent 20 years playing golf in Myrtle Beach with many Canadian friends in his later years.
John’s final years were marked by the loving support of many people. The staff at Lookout Ridge Retirement Home in Fonthill, Sandy Kovacs and the entire team at Encompass Care, Korry Walton, were instrumental in maintaining John’s quality of life. Friday’s will not be the same without Gerry Siconolfi and fish and chips.
One of Canada's top motorcycle racers from the 1950s and ’60s has passed away.
Sheldon Smith, who was inducted into the Peterborough and District Sports Hall of Fame in 1989, died on May 16 at the age of 94. He is survived by his children Joanne and Derrick and extended family.
From 1950 to 1968, Mr. Smith consistently placed among the top riders in provincial and national races sanctioned by the Canadian Motorcycle Association on dirt tracks, road race, moto-cross and endurance events. Among his championships are national titles in 500-mile, 500-cc endurance runs in 1956, 1957 and 1959. He was Canadian moto-cross Scrambles champion in the 500-cc expert class in 1958, and he won the national dirt title honours in the 500-cc junior class in 1957.
According to his Hall of Fame bio, his numerous provincial titles include the 1958 championship in the 500-cc expert class road race.
A Peterborough native, Mr. Smith rode his first motorcycle at the age of 16. More than four decades later, he was still a touring rider with more than 300,000 miles under his wheels. He held numerous executive positions at provincial and national levels of the CMA, and was CMA national president in 1959 and 1960. He was primarily responsible for the development of motorcycle scrambles (moto-cross) in Ontario.
The CMA has learned the sad news of David’s passing, after a years’ long battle with lung disease. A native of Northern Ireland, he most fittingly said his goodbye on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.
His career was spent as a Toronto Police Officer, but his passion was for motorcycles and especially as an advocate for road safety.
David held a number of CMA positions over the years. He was chair of the Road Safety Committee, a member of the Board of Directors, and for a number of years, worked on a contract basis as the CMA Road Safety liaison with governments and other NGO’s with similar mandates. He made a large contribution at the world level as a CMA representative on the world governing body, Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) Public Affairs Commission (CAP), where he continued to have input even after retiring from that position.
Never a man with much patience when it came to what he considered “foot dragging” on important safety issues, we sometimes struggled to meet his expectations.
Rest assured, David, we will soldier on.
Earnest James Mount passed away peacefully in his 91st year on March 24th at the St. Anne’s Veteran’s Hospital after a very full rewarding life. He will be missed by his many dear friends from his youth, his fellow WWII veterans, his business associates and those that travelled with him or crossed his path on his numerous motorcycle adventures. All his old and new friends who were at the Feb CVMG meeting were indeed fortunate, he was a special guy. Motorcycle sport in Montreal has lost another of the Great Ones. An accomplished racer, an active and cooperative SMCC member, a faithful husband, a caring and helpful father and a true true friend to all who knew him.
James Garry Sherman passed away suddenly at the Kingston General Hospital on Saturday, December 31, 2011 in his 78th year. Son of the late Frank and Helena. Beloved husband of Olwen (nee Morris). Loving father of Gwen, Heather (Andrew Strome) and Laura Allen (Bruce). Loving grandfather of David, Riley and Nancy. Beloved brother of Nancy Dryden (Allan) and the late Carole Wigington. Garry was a retired employee of Oliphant Electric in Belleville and was an avid photographer, motorcycle enthusiast, golfer, and fisherman.
The CMA Directors, Staff and we’re certain hundreds of members offer their deepest sympathy to the Berenyi family. We share your loss of a true legend in the story of Canadian motorcycling.
IVOR LLOYD – JUNE 27, 2010
While it must be acknowledged that there were, and are, many great Canadian road racers both before, and after Ivor’s racing career in Canada; Ivor was somehow, unique and special.
Quite frankly, Ivor Lloyd was, in a manner of speaking, the Wayne Gretzky of motorcycle road racing in Canada in the 1960s. Few, if any would argue that Gretzky is the absolute skilled craftsman at his profession of ice hockey; and those of us who were fortunate enough to see Ivor Lloyd display his skills and craftsmanship on a racing motorcycle, will readily afford him a similar accolade.
Ivor was by any standard, a superb motorcycle road racer, and with his smooth polished style, he made it all look deceptively easy. Many of us who tried to match his pace though, soon found otherwise, and very quickly realized we had some homework to do, and in many cases, a lot of homework! Poetry in Motion could be a phrase fittingly applied to Ivor’s riding style, especially on the #71 Alex Duff – Manx Norton that carried him to so many victories!
Ivor had already made his mark and was recognized as one of the best. on the fiercely competitive short circuits in his native Wales and England, winning championships, and several of the highly coveted silver replica awards on the world renowned Isle of Man circuit, before emigrating to Canada. When he arrived on the scene and began racing here, quietly and without any fanfare, for he was a very modest and unassuming man, .the bar. was raised substantially. Ivor became the new benchmark for any Canadian road racer aspiring to achieve excellence. I believe it could very safely be said that the standard and level of road racing in Canada improved substantially as a direct result of Ivor’s impact and influence, and it has never looked back. Ivor’s respected name and reputation soon spread to the USA and his racing talents were much in demand by several top race teams, including the well known Bob Hansen race team, sponsors of the best motorcycle racers in North America.
Above and beyond his racing expertise, Ivor was genuinely well liked, admired and respected by all in the motorcycling community, simply for the gentleman he was. As mentioned before, he was a modest and unassuming man, and never known to boast or brag about his accomplishments. He was always approachable, had a ready smile, and a good sense of humour. Perhaps a fitting and self evident testament and tribute to Ivor’s esteem, is the fact that most of us have remained in touch and friends for more than forty years, and long after the last chequered flag had fallen.
The Canadian motorcycling community recognized, and celebrated Ivor’s racing accomplishments and contributions by paying him our highest honour and inducting him into, (the only recently established), Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2009. Had the Hall of Fame existed, when Ivor was at the top of his game he certainly would have been inducted at that time.
As a champion motorcycle racer, Ivor’s name, his accomplishments and contributions will be celebrated and remembered for all time, as he so rightly joined the elite ranks of the very best in Canadas motorcycling Community. Ivor will also always be remembered and appreciated as a good friend. And I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it was a pleasure and privilege to know him.
Thanks Ivor and Godspeed.
By Dave Lloyd
An automobile accident on February 1st has claimed the life of Nelson Deven of Aylmer, Ontario. The 18 year old had recently completed his first year as an Expert in CMA Trials, placing a most respectible 2nd in the Ontario Championship.
He had risen rapidly through the ranks since first participating in 2000 when he won the Ontario Junior Championship and placed 3rd at the Nationals. The following year he won the Ontario Intermediate Championship and was second at the National level.
A sad loss for Trails and Motorcycling.
Canadian Motorcycling, and particularly Atlantic Canada lost a devoted friend on January 3rd, when Jack Canfield of Halifax died. Jack was a member of that special group of riders who came of age in the fifties and who involved themselves in every aspect of motorcycling, from racing to organizing. A 40 year member of the Canadian Motorcycle Association, Jack was still renewing his Vintage Roadracing licence and participating with his family in events at AMP.
In honour of his contribution to our sport, the CMA Board of Directors has retired his vintage number 32.
It is with great sorrow that the CMA announces the death of Trevor Deeley on Thursday, March 28th, at his home in Sidney on Vancouver Island.
Trevor was a great friend of the CMA, providing assistance over many years for our activities and was named an Honourary Member of the association in recognition of his contribution. He is the only person so honoured who has not held an executive position in the CMA.
DON McHUGH – JULY 8, 2001
The Canadian Motorcycle Association regrets to announce the death of Don McHugh on Sunday, July 8, 2001.
Don’s racing career spanned 4 decades during which he won many CMA titles. He was awarded the #1 Dirt Track Plate in 1964. He won the Expert Dirt Track Championships in 1954, 1955, 1957, 1960, and 1961. He also took the Expert Ice Racing crown in 1963, 1964, 1971, and 1973.
It is with sorrow that the CMA advises of the death of Albert (Bert) Irwin, of Monkland, Ontario, on August 9, 1994.
Bert was a Life Member of the CMA, and received the Award of Merit, the association’s highest honour, in 1984 for his lifetime devotion to motorcycling. He was a member of the Canadian ISDE Team, and later Team Manager on several occasions. As proprietor of Irwin Cycles in Cornwall, Bert was a well known and respected member of that city’s business community, and active in many civic affairs.
We extend to his family, his many friends and business colleagues, our deepest sympathy. A fine gentleman has passed from among us.